Posts Tagged ‘faith’


My Gift of Discernment unwrapped itself and told me that OCD isn’t the cross I have to bear but a toxin that I needed to drain! What a relief! Well, I had an inkling before I accepted it. Maybe, He wanted me to dwell on it for a while to prevent me from being conceited after so much convictions and revelations He’s been showing me. (Just like Apostle Paul’s story) Now, it’s crystal clear!

God brought healing to my life today! I recognized it the moment He gave me a vision of Him taking my hand and running joyfully in peace and celebration! He wanted me to just surrender everything that’s bothering me! To not deny it from myself, accept it, present it to His feet, let go and just feel His love and healing! I can’t wait to share the video of today’s topic at Church (The Feast)! I knew He wanted me to be there! When the first worship song played, entitled RUN, I said to myself, this can’t be chance, it’s definitely GOD!

I’ll just wait for the video to be uploaded on Youtube and as soon as it’s available, I’ll share it to all of you guys who yearn for HEALING!

The current topic we have at Church is DETOX! How to get rid of toxic feelings, toxic thinking and toxic acting. Stay tuned!

GOD. He wants us to enjoy this gift of life He gave! He’s calling us to let go of all negative emotions and just smile under His loving presence!

Thank You so much Lord!!! Praise Your Holy Name! We love how You love us! Just PERFECT!

Ethel Joy (Even my name is yelling it, Noble Joy!)

I am pushing my RESET button now because that’s what God wants me to do!

I love you Jesus!!!!!!!!!


Before the worship service earlier at the Feast (The Happiest Place On Earth) can start, the audio/video system halted while the priest is giving his final blessings to end the Holy Ceremony.

In humor, the humble priest began making funny gestures through sign language to imitate the little picture intended for the deaf on TV Mass airings. The “glitch” took its moment, but the priest decided to go at the top of his lungs to banish the abrupt change in the atmosphere. His voice echoed and rang even stronger than with a microphone. The Holy Spirit engulfed the silence and the service went on, uninterrupted; Exhilarating like always, the people sang through the rhythm of their faith. It was a miracle! (for they can already stop chanting and frown) But of course, God wouldn’t allow a not-so-perfect Feast and in a snap, the power was restored to His command.

Truly, nothing can stop the music of our hearts to play, all the more in the absence of audible sound. And that, even when the devil prowls, the love of God in our spirits will never cease to shine!

The devil won’t win! Praise God! Happy Sunday! =D


Romans 16:20
English Standard Version (ESV)
20 The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


zombie – in its broadest sense, is a person who has lost his or her sense of self-awareness (source: zombie wiki)

WALKING DEAD. Not the TV series where people shoot undeads in the head but A CONDITION. It is being alive literally but not truly living. A state of being one with the “world”, hooking yourself on its “lures”. Walking dead to simply put it is LIVING IN THE FLESH. Note that we are spiritual beings and we are to live by the Spirit; setting our minds to the desires of the flesh can blatantly or clandestinely progress to a SPIRITUAL DEATH.

“For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.” – Romans 8:6 (ESV)

Now, it is imperatively essential to be cognizant of the truth that “living in the flesh” is not only tantamount to engaging in sexual paloozas, but also, when you are caught off-guard, besieged by lurking thoughts of simple enviousness and such things you thought trivially innocuous. The lamer it presents itself, the scarier it becomes, for the more elementary the sin, the easier for us to absorb and digest. A facile mind and a dead spirit is doomed, making you a zombie who walks on the streets of your neighborhood (with more zombies…).

To give you a much more definitive view of what “living in the flesh” means, I snatched some verses from the Bible:

“Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like these*. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.” – Galatians 5:19-21 (ESV)

these* – this is like “others” on your job description (how scarier can it get??)



COMING UP NEXT: the VIRUS that infected us