ironic revelation!

Posted: March 2, 2014 in SWD FILLERS SEASON 1, SWD FULL SEASON 1
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My Gift of Discernment unwrapped itself and told me that OCD isn’t the cross I have to bear but a toxin that I needed to drain! What a relief! Well, I had an inkling before I accepted it. Maybe, He wanted me to dwell on it for a while to prevent me from being conceited after so much convictions and revelations He’s been showing me. (Just like Apostle Paul’s story) Now, it’s crystal clear!

God brought healing to my life today! I recognized it the moment He gave me a vision of Him taking my hand and running joyfully in peace and celebration! He wanted me to just surrender everything that’s bothering me! To not deny it from myself, accept it, present it to His feet, let go and just feel His love and healing! I can’t wait to share the video of today’s topic at Church (The Feast)! I knew He wanted me to be there! When the first worship song played, entitled RUN, I said to myself, this can’t be chance, it’s definitely GOD!

I’ll just wait for the video to be uploaded on Youtube and as soon as it’s available, I’ll share it to all of you guys who yearn for HEALING!

The current topic we have at Church is DETOX! How to get rid of toxic feelings, toxic thinking and toxic acting. Stay tuned!

GOD. He wants us to enjoy this gift of life He gave! He’s calling us to let go of all negative emotions and just smile under His loving presence!

Thank You so much Lord!!! Praise Your Holy Name! We love how You love us! Just PERFECT!

Ethel Joy (Even my name is yelling it, Noble Joy!)

I am pushing my RESET button now because that’s what God wants me to do!

I love you Jesus!!!!!!!!!

  1. good post…keep doing it…as I am new blogger I posted couple of blogs and not able to get that much popularity please visit my blog …please help me by reading by any blog (as I read yours) and try to find is there any writing issues or I’m expecting too early…your valuable comments will really boost my writing skills…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. angiemyst says:

    Detox! is exactly what it is to rid of negativity. Judging, worrying, regret, guilt, blame, fear and anger doesn’t matter how you put it, this is what we united need to put into consideration detox. And when you mix in your role modeling skills, it’s even better.
    I’m blessed everyday and i thank you lord for hearing my prayer, I asked god to show me other people that think like myself and this is what happened. God gave me a sneak peek and had me look into my blog today and find a person who liked one of my posts then showed me that there are other people out there just like me. Worrying, judging, regret, guilt, blame, fear and anger is so outdated in my soul. Positive thinking, natures beauty, enjoying every moment of everything is already giving me a positive reaction. I’m at a point were I’m on the wheel of letting go of the anger everything else is history. I think I’m doing well. Thank you for sharing and keep up the good work. Sending peace to you god bless.

    Liked by 1 person

    • EJ Venida says:

      I can’t fathom the goodness of His love and it is so strong, it commands all negativity to banish from ourselves through our belief and trust in the Almighty! I want to share a treasure I found in my devotional just now: Calmly trust with a childlike faith; a faith characterized by humble dependency, calm contentment, confident trust and unfailing hope. I will live by this disposition day by day as my spirit compels that it would draw me closer to the Almighty. I pray that these words will speak to you too. =) Well, I’m sure of it! May God’s blessings be with you..! Live strong.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. John Daily says:

    I love reading your words, EJ; you always give me so much to think about. “Toxic” is such a great word for all of those things in the picture (I’d also add doubt and self-doubt). Those things can spread and take over your mind, as well as seep into the minds of those people around you. I’d really love to hear (or write!) that sermon!
    A friend of mine has a saying: “If you’re going to pray, then don’t worry -but if you’re going to worry, don’t pray.” In other words, once you give that negative thing in your life over to God, then you need to trust in Him to take care of it for you. Continuing to fret over it is saying that you don’t have faith in God’s ability to care for you.
    “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30 (ESV)

    Liked by 1 person

    • EJ Venida says:

      I couldn’t agree more! Doubt and self-doubt were actually the root of my self inflicted suffering a week ago, forgetting how wonderfully I was made and how powerful my Creator is. I am so looking forward to that sermon from you! I’m just certain that it will speak to me through the Holy Spirit as Jesus will whisper it to Him (John 16:13-14)

      Cool saying! I will not forget that! It’s like:
      There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever. – Gandhi

      I am learning a lot from you! I thank God for giving me a Mentor and a Guide who is very passionate and not self-seeking.


      • John Daily says:

        Wow…Gandhi said it much more harshly, didn’t he? lol
        As for being your Guide and Mentor, it’s funny; I’m feeling like you’re guiding me! God knows our hearts (Luke 16:15), and so, He also knows where we are strong and weak. I believe we were brought together the strengthen each other through Him.

        Liked by 1 person

      • EJ Venida says:

        Gandhi is brutal and I admire him for that! Lol.

        My faith is in its younger years and the Lord is still building its foundation, it can still collapse. But I strongly believe that yours have braved a lot of challenges which made it sturdy and steady like a tree. You might not feel the intensity but I believe God puts a lot of life in our years and so love, and He, Himself. Thus, more years, more of Him!

        I’ve been looking for an accountability partner since the year started, God says it’s you! Yes, I’m convinced, we were brought together to strengthen each other through Him!

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Yes, it is so hard to let go. But we can choose to do so, even if we don’t feel like doing it. In the end we will be better for it. Meghan

    Liked by 1 person

  5. annetbell says:

    Such wonderful promises. Thanks for the reminder and challenge! Blessings!


  6. Just gotta say, your blog is very intriguing. I’m really enjoying the things I’ve read so far. Stop walking dead! It’s not only a clever title, it is a very real plea from the Holy Spirit; He who longs that we should walk in His Life.

    Thank you for following my blog. And thank you for all that you do 🙂

    God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

    • EJ Venida says:

      Thank you as well for the kind words! I am honored to be your sister in Christ! Glory to God alone! =)

      You are much welcome! Take care always and keep inspiring!


  7. vwoods1212 says:

    Reblogged this on vwoods1212 and commented:
    Hit the reset button. Free yourself. VW

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  8. vwoods1212 says:

    Love this; reblogged

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  9. Sharon says:

    Inspirational, relevant, encouraging and Christ exalting. Joy of the Lord definitely shining through your words as well as your name. Keep seeking Him. He is using you and will bless your endeavors. Continually seeking Him, Sharon

    Liked by 1 person

    • EJ Venida says:

      Thank you Sharon! You lift me up always. Right now, I am struggling for balance in my life. I hope I can go online to write more and not be distracted by the unknown. I adore you for being so consistent with you blogging. The Lord bless you more!


  10. kcreal618 says:

    Amen. Philippians 4:8. hugggsssss


  11. kcreal618 says:

    Reblogged this on karenrealigue and commented:
    Just found a good antidote to my previous post. God is an answering God. 😉


  12. Lynn says:

    Hi sister! I’ve been waiting to see your next post 🙂 Anyway, hope everything is going great for you!
    By the way, I’ve nominated you for the Liebster Award! You can find out of details here:

    Having fun with Liebster Award!

    God bless you!


  13. swamiyesudas says:

    You are So right; We need to Detox everyday, I need to detox every day.


  14. swamiyesudas says:

    Good Witness. Thanks for Sharing.


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